Today’s Market Update

New Listings = 4
1 Belltown Court, 1 Cosmopolitan, 1 Florentine and 1 Tobira

Price Changes = 5
2 Carbon 56, 1 Concord, 1 Cosmopolitan, and 1 Tobira

= 5
1 2200 Westlake, 1 98 Union, 1 Four Seasons, 1 Royal Crest and 1 Waterfront Landings

= 3
1 98 Union, 1 Cosmopolitan and 1 Our Home Hotel

View New Condos on the Market TODAY!

Seattle Nightlife Ordinance: June 4th

The Seattle City Council will be holding a public hearing on June 4 at 6 PM in the City Council Chamber to take public testimony regarding the Mayor’s proposed nightlife regulations.

Several neighborhood activists are organizing a major turnout that evening in support of the Mayor’s proposal. Others in the community feel that these new regulations threaten our industry, diminish Seattle’s arts and cultural reputation, and will strangulate the our city’s creative class.

The hearing starts at 6 PM and sign up for public testimony will open at 5 PM. The City Council Chambers is located on the 2nd floor of City Hall at 600 4th avenue in downtown Seattle.

Every owner or manager of a business could potentially be impacted by these new regulations. Apparently there have been other meetings regarding this issue and many have already spoken. This meeting on June 4th is scheduled for the sole purpose of taking public testimony on the Mayor’s proposed nightlife regulations. Beginning at 5 PM, a sign up sheet will be available on the 2nd floor of City Hall in front of the Council Chambers. At 6 PM, public testimony will begin with those who are signed in. Each speaker will be given 3 minutes.

Key Messages

The most compelling testimony comes from those who have first hand experience with the issue. For example, bar owners who understand the business and licensing side, bar managers who have experience with staffing and operational issues, employees who are in the clubs every night and actually know how things work, patrons who experience and enjoy the nightlife, promoters, DJ, bands, and musicians who work in and with the various venues – all of your experience and thoughts are compelling and informative to the council. They really do want know what you think and know.

SeattleNMA has been advocating the following points – please try to include
these in your testimony:

Nightlife establishments – bars, restaurants, pubs, taverns, nightclubs – are
already one of the most highly regulated industries in the city. There are sufficient regulations on the books today to deal with noise, litter and nuisance issues. Let’s do a better job of enforcing them before creating new ones.

Nightlife establishments provide significant cultural and economic impacts to our city. On a global basis, Seattle is more closely associated with music almost more than any other industry.

AN ORDINANCE relating to the licensing and regulation of nightlife establishments; establishing a Nightlife Premises Advisory Board; and adding a new Chapter 6.280 to the Seattle Municipal Code.