‘Visual Impact’ of Seattle’s Skyline Takes 52nd Place Worldwide

Out of a database of over 50,000 cities, world building news website EMPORIS.com ranks Seattle’s skyline as the 52nd best. Points rank the visual impact of a skyline based on floor count. Thier database records currently show 188 high-rise towers (defined as a building 35 meters or greater in height,) in Seattle. Although I expected to see Seattle on the list, I didn’t expect it to be that low considering how the city ranks in every other statistic.

It did come to no surprise that Hong Kong and New York City took 1st and 2nd place. As our rush to keep up with our increasing population continues, I’m curious to see how much the score will increase over the next couple of years. According to their point system, if Seattle builds one tower with 80 to 89 floors we can get 300 points and take the lead with over San Francisco which now sits at 44th place. Unfortunately, Olive 8 owns the rights to being the tallest residential tower at only 39 stories. But that doesn’t necessarily mean we can’t win. That’s right! If we build one 100 story commercial tower plus an approximate 1357.76 towers that stand anywhere between 30 and 39 floors we can take 2nd place over New York! C’mon Intracorp! C’mon Paul Allen! We can do it!

1 Comment

  1. Hi Justin –
    I enjoy your blog. The AVA project by Weber + Thompson will be taller than Olive Eight. http://www.seattlecondoreview.com/2007/06/ava_condos.html
    One of these days someone will take advantage of the unlimited height in the Financial District and build a 1000′ tall tower, it’s just a matter of time.

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