Drivers, get out of my way! The road is now mine.

junk yardNot only is gas a ridiculous and expensive luxury item, but parking can really be a bitch downtown. So, I sold my Lincoln a couple months ago and bought a long board. Today, while waiting for the bus to take me uphill, an older lady approached me and asked me if my board was in fact a long board. It was the first time I had someone older than my peer group compliment me for skating. She then told me about an article in the Seattle Times about a guy who commuted to work on his.

DAMN IT (lol/more like a chuckle). That guy got all the recognition.

Anyhow, the sweet old lady approached me right after I watched some jerk drive by in his Hummer (probably someone who complained about the crazy weather we had today). As he drove by, I imagined myself running around town with a switchblade, can a spray paint and stack of insulting bumper stickers for those who still haven’t made a change in the way they commute. I don’t like to think of myself as a tree hugger, but people need to come around and quit embarrassing themselves. Maybe I’m just fortunate to have a position and home where I don’t need a vehicle. Maybe I shouldn’t be such a hypocrite and recycle more of my beer cans.

However, I will guarantee that those Hummer drivers will take a hit in the pocket book when nobody wants to buy it. It took me 3 months to find a buyer for my car, and I had to take a loss at a much higher percentage than those who had to drop the price on the sale of their condo this year.

If you can’t see it already, here’s some things I’ve noticed in making the sacrifice and reading local papers:

  • Gas prices are high and they’re not going down.
  • Public transportation (metro) is starting to get overcrowded
  • Taxi drivers are pulling over if they see you raise your hand to scratch an itch
  • Old ladies admire skateboarders

So, if you’d like me to help you buy a condo, sorry, but we’ll be on foot. Unless you got a board too.

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